Navigation Impact Assessment
The purpose of a Navigation Impact Assessment is especially important for the project such as Snowy 2.0, because the construction and operation of the dam will alter various navigational paths. Navigation on the two reservoirs, Talbingo Reservoir and Tantangara Reservoir, is expected to be impacted for up to 6 years. The operation of Snowy 2.0will generate flow that can result in significant current speeds in the vicinity of the intake structures. The movements of the water can be potentially hazardous for recreational users and water-based activities. A navigation impact assessment has therefore been prepared in accordance with the Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs).
The Navigation Impact Assessment is well done and thoroughly researched as it covers all necessary fields such as: safety of navigation, lookout and safe speeds, collision avoidance, vessel use and use of other powered boats, environmental conditions (water levels and depths, wave climate, wind waves, boat waves , etc.) and assessment of both construction and operational hazards.
Moreover, they make sure to follow the legal policies that have been established by The Marine Safety Act (1998). Additionally, they follow The Marine Safety (Domestic Commercial Vessel) National Law Act 2012 as the regulatory framework for certification, construction, equipment, design, and operation of domestic commercial vessels in Australia. These regulations make provisions with respect to safety to navigation, marine safety licences (vessel registration, aquatic licence, boat driving licence), and safety equipment that must be carried on vessels (including requirements for the wearing of life jackets.
The mitigation measures include:
Establish a public exclusion zone around work areas including the intake channel, silt curtains, barge ramp, and rock placement area.
Monitor and manage public access within the exclusion zone.
Obtain an aquatic licence from RMS for the construction activities and exclusion zone. The aquatic licence will include notification on the RMS website.
Fit work vessels and barges with Automatic Identification System and comply with all licensing requirements of AMSA and RMS under the acts and regulations including specific requirements for Alpine Waters
Erect notification signs advising of the works, public closures, blasting operations and other loud activities at:
Talbingo boat ramp near the dam wall, and
O'Hares Boat Ramp.
Ensure any other fixed obstruction such as marker buoys and moorings comply with RMS requirements, and designated blast limits and other management measures to minimise impacts will be outlined in the Blast Management Plan.
establish an exclusion zone around the intake structure and intake channel in consultation with RMS. Ensure the exclusion zone is clearly marked to the satisfaction of RMS.
Liaise with RMS to update the RMS Boating Map for Talbingo, Tumut Ponds, Tooma, Three Mile Dams, Geehi Reservoir, and Khancoban Pondage Areas indicating exclusion zone and location of intake structure and intake channel.
Provide material to educate the public and create awareness of high current speeds near the intake channel and highly variable water levels including the following:
liaise with RMS to include warning on the RMS Boating Map for Talbingo, Tumut Ponds, Tooma, Three Mile Dams, Geehi Reservoir, and Khancoban Pondage Areas.
distribute information pamphlets to local fishing and boating retailers.
The EIA report makes sure to scope out all possible major threats regarding both the public and employees for both the construction and operational phase of the Snowy 2.0. Specific mitigation measures have been established for both construction and operational phases of the Snowy 2.0 project. The primary mitigation measure is to establish a navigation exclusion zone. They will take appropriate measures to highlight the exclusion zone with the use of lateral and cardinal marks, aqua minibuoys, or shore-based signage.
Although these mitigation strategies will have an impact on recreational amenity and reduce the extent of the reservoir that can be accessed by recreational boaters, the safety of the public is deemed to be of primary importance.
Map of the Snowy 2.0 project labeled with risk of hazard and regulations